Shifting Ground: Reflections on Research Relationships in the Time of Covid-19
Reflexive ethnography, social adaptation theory, autoethnography, pandemic disruption of research, research relationshipsAbstract
The Graduate Student Conference held at York University’s Graduate Faculty of Education in April of 2022 afforded all four authors occasion to share the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on our doctoral research. Each of our projects involved face-to-face research and required significant methodological adjustments and changes to research design in order to continue amidst a worldwide pandemic. Through the application of social adaptation theory and the practice of auto-ethnography, our discussion panel examined the significance of requisite reconfiguring of our projects on our research relationships. This paper offers post-panel reflective thoughts on how the discussion that took place during the panel has inspired further thinking about our research with drama students, international students, Rohingya refugee families, and refugee children, as well as our development as researchers.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jessie Kennedy, Nancy Bell, Safra Najeemudeen , Zaitun Hnin Pwint Phyu

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