Call for Abstracts for the 19th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Education!


The York Graduate Students in Education (YGSE) cordially invites you to the 19th annual Graduate Student Conference in Education. This year’s conference will be offered in a hybrid format, with virtual and in-person sessions. The conference allows graduate students (Master and PhD) to present their creative and scholarly works in a collaborative, professional, and welcoming environment. 


This year’s conference theme is Other Worlds, Any Ways. In early 2020, the pandemic was poised as a portal. The hidden knowledge it illuminated felt confrontational, disruptive, and generative; an opportunity to “break with the past and imagine [our] world anew” (Roy, 2020), one we are ready to fight for. Passing through this portal, we find ourselves in the very future that we both feared and imagined. In this conference, we move to the notion of “post”-pandemic. In this temporal space between what has passed and what is to come, the flickers of turbulent pandemic desire ask us now to build other worlds anyways, not as romanticized utopia but as a discipline of hope. 


For more information, please visit our website: 


We welcome all graduate students enrolled in a recognized university to participate. 

If you have any questions, please email the conference committee at: 


We look forward to seeing you there!

Ellie and Esther

YGSE Graduate Conference Coordinators